Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE) Preparation course is designed for students who plan to take the VTNE soon after completion of the course. This course will review the veterinary technician essential skills, tasks, and knowledge base as provided by the American Veterinary Medical Association Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities (AVMA CVTEA) for accredited veterinary technology programs. This course provides directed study using an online learning platform, (VTP), designed to focus learning and identify knowledge gaps. Students will gain exam taking skills and self confidence during the course.

Note: Class completion with a passing grade does not guarantee a student will pass the VTNE. As many topics as possible will be covered to help the student identify levels of competency as an aid to focus study efforts. In-depth and advanced topics WILL NOT be covered.

Prerequisites: Enrolled in the final semester of the GBCC Veterinary Technology Program or Graduate of an AVMA-CVTEA accredited Veterinary Technology program or eligible to take the VTNE through an alternative pathway and Department Chair approval.

Fall/Spring semesters