Meet Grace Winslette

Grace Winslette is in the early stages of her journey to become a teacher. She chose to begin her education at Great Bay due to its real-world, in-classroom approach.

GBCC Fills Niche for High Achieving Athletes

“I feel that teaching is a leadership position right now in New Hampshire society, and one of service. Most students echo that sentiment. They want a way to give back and help children and families….The students at Great Bay are here because they want to be here.”

Meet Matthew Pefine

Good decisions change lives. Matthew Pefine’s personal story is a shining example.

Key Advice for Anyone Considering Starting or Returning to College this January

We are able to help students identify their long-term goals and to look at the whole picture. We try to help them look at where they are going, to identify their dreams, and how Great Bay can help them achieve them.